The ACE Team

The ACE Team

You’ve built your business to the stage where you need to hire people, so how do you find and qualify the right team? Read on for two quick tips to learn how.

The ACE Team

 Spend time recruiting the right people, set clear attainable goals, expectations and stress the importance of accountability.
  1. Allow the people you hire to lead. They have been trained in the ways of your business and may have other skills, let them take ownership of tasks, allow them to set goals and create plans.

When you allow your team to lead, you create leaders in your business; they know they are accountable, not only to you the business owner but to themselves, they will not let themselves down. Creating leaders allows you to delegate and focus on high level tasks you need to personally attend to.

Strive for a team of ACE – accomplished, complementary and engaged people. These are people with the experience you need, those with a track record of successfully executing the tasks you need them to do.

Connect with me to learn how to create your own ace team in your business. Follow me in Twitter.