Here we are, a new month has begun and a new business cycle, what will you do to move your business forward in this next half cycle? Which topic is on your agenda when you meet with the team? Here is a quick tip to make this next meeting productive.
Each new month presents an opportunity to make changes, to grow, learn new skills or improve on what we know to grow and succeed in business. There is so much to do in running a successful business, let us help you grow your business where we will leverage a bespoke strategy that helps your business stand out and increases your bottom line. Connect with us at DM Consultants to get you moving forward.
Do you want value from each meeting? Follow up! It is that simple. By following up you will gain real value from each meeting. Let us dig in, why did you meet? (We missed our sales target) What was decided? (We will do this activity to spark interest and sell more products and or services.) Who will do what and when? (PR will plan the activity and Marketing will start the promotion on May 22.) What are the KPI’s? How will the results be communicated? What steps will we take when we have the results?
We hope you were taking notes during the meeting, this way you can follow up as to who does what and when, holding people and departments accountable. This way you will have a clear path to progress and can justify whether to invest or not in certain products or services.
This simple tip will save you time, effort and money, it is one we live by at DM Consultants. Follow us in Twitter.